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Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Ok ok yeah i know it been long, but for good reason

Ok ok yeah i know it been long, but for good reason. Ive started uni lool. But nah yeah i have n thats why i have not been posting anyting up really, uni is just killing me and other students. The second year is really packed but then again I didnt expect it to be a walk in the park I mean its uni after all.

Well from my last post i lot has been going on. Uni is one of them and music as well as acting lool o yeah. well music is moving up, my group Red clouds or how we are now known ATRCU have been moving up and making the group known. ever since the group meetings have been at my house everything has seemed to have moved forward. We are getting music done n getting a lot better.
First we relased our group mixtape and gave it to every one that saw us perform and we now have more people in the group now. So now its becoming bigger. Me and Elijah are still working on our joint mixtape and that had to get pushed back because of mine and his life style its all kinda busy on both halfs. BUT IT WILL COME OUT 25TH November, so you better look out for that. My mixtape is still being made, again its the times and uni that are in the way but it will get done but now it may have to be pushed back.

As for acting man, been getting a lot of auditions and been filming for a lot of short films so that keeps me on my toes. Also joined an acting work shop on wed every week which aint bad so i can see where i stand and how over actors perform and think which I think is good if you want to become better.

well thats it so far and now looking back it really does not seem a lot but trust me it is a lot lool foreal it is. But now i'll leave you with 'Rap Beat Cannibal'. This is what the team have been on. so instead of writing about it i'll show you what we are doing.

again comment and rate it, o and share it too.

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