Yoooo yo yo I quick post just saying a happy eid Mubarak to all my fellow Muslim bro and sis. Hope you all had a nice Ramadan and have gained and learned something new. So to all hope you have a nice eid and may Allah guide you.
And here is a lil something that I done for the street summer thing for channel 4, just a quick 8 bars for a solo rap part on the track, so if you like it then vote for me and take part your self too.
And again feel free to comment and rate. Yay yay
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Friday, 26 August 2011
Some of the last days of fasting
Well its been quite some time since I have posted anything on here, well its only been five days but still that's quite some time. Between that time I have been kinda busy and yes I mean it when I say it lol. This week has been very interesting and busy at the same time which has kept my mind working up a sweat. This week my and my bro have been pretty independent which is nothing for me as am used to being alone and being with people. That's just how I work. I've had to take the role of being the man of the house which I actually enjoyed, cooked, cleaned, took care of things that needed to be taken cared of. Eh I'll be a sick husband lool. Wednesday met up with my team Red Clouds had a little chill session and discussing our music not only that my cuz came down too for the day and so I knew it would be a day to remember. And I was right because on Wednesday my cuz, my friend and my bros friend came round and we just made a night of it. Cracking jokes, watching films and playing ps3 (coz Xbox sucks). Made dinner for everyone and this went on till the night was still young.
My cuz stayed over and boy was that a night lol. We didn't go to sleep till 5 in the morning. Well enough of what I've been doing, I wonna know what you lots have been doing and yes I mean you who is reading this right now thinking if am talking to you now lol. Well my next post will most probably tell you more about my acting as something is going down on Sunday, by I'll keep that as a hush hush.
And know another one of my music videos. This track is called "Sweet Thing". It was inspired to me by two girls and so that how I made this track. So now I bless you with this track and again i hope you enjoy it and please feel free to comment and rate. Kool kool
Snap I also forgot to mention this track is also on my 1st mixtape. Enjoy.
5 days,
last post,
red clouds,
sweet thing,
your week
Saturday, 20 August 2011
The week so far (the Prince of Wales came to Croydon)
Ahhh the week so far, well from my last post. My week so far have been a productive week, near everyday i have had something productive to do or have made something productive. Most of my time i have been thinking about how many verses i need to write for my third mixtape and for the other artists that what to collab with me. Like in my last post my n my boy Elijah have discussed plans for our joint mixtape and we have been going back and forth with ideas that we what on the mixtape. I decided to make a list of tracks that i still need to write for, because i thought that i could be smart and remember everything that i needed to write for but nope lool didn't work for me. Away from music, work has been good to me, we had the price of wales come and visit Croydon though we all know he just came to make himself look good. And come on you know that i know that you know this, and if you don't then now you do.
We also had youth groups paint a wooden wall in croydon to show people that are not from Croydon that Croydon is still a nice place to visit. Friday was a good day too, spent the day with my ex. Look i know what some of you may be thinking but me and her are kool (yes i know i spelt it wrong but yo it looks better like this) plus it wosn't just me and her, it was me, her, her two cousins and my bro so we all had a good day. Also for the past three days i've seen my habibti, i know that some of you may think thats a bit much but for me it really aint. I guess its just how you have a relationship with that person and how you build together as a couple.
But yes enough of that for now, and lets pay attention to another track for this post.
Again this track is old and it on my first mixtape which you can get from this link here -> (http://www.mediafire.com/?u928oxycrrcxdcg) ITS FREEEEEEE!!!!!!
This track is called"Don't Come To Me Pt.2" and basicly this is a track where I will show you my skill as an MC and how I command the beat. For this I will show you my Flow, Punchlines, content, wordplay, rhyme scheme and then just totally killin' the track lol.
so enough with the talking and here is the track.
Please feel free to rate and comment. kool kool
We also had youth groups paint a wooden wall in croydon to show people that are not from Croydon that Croydon is still a nice place to visit. Friday was a good day too, spent the day with my ex. Look i know what some of you may be thinking but me and her are kool (yes i know i spelt it wrong but yo it looks better like this) plus it wosn't just me and her, it was me, her, her two cousins and my bro so we all had a good day. Also for the past three days i've seen my habibti, i know that some of you may think thats a bit much but for me it really aint. I guess its just how you have a relationship with that person and how you build together as a couple.
But yes enough of that for now, and lets pay attention to another track for this post.
Again this track is old and it on my first mixtape which you can get from this link here -> (http://www.mediafire.com/?u928oxycrrcxdcg) ITS FREEEEEEE!!!!!!
This track is called"Don't Come To Me Pt.2" and basicly this is a track where I will show you my skill as an MC and how I command the beat. For this I will show you my Flow, Punchlines, content, wordplay, rhyme scheme and then just totally killin' the track lol.
so enough with the talking and here is the track.
Please feel free to rate and comment. kool kool
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
A new week, A new beginning
Yeah I know its not exactly on a Monday for me to be calling it a new week. Mybad I've been busy on Monday and Tuesday, like am guessing most of you were lol. But nah its still a new week and a new begging and it is definitely a new beginning for me. On Sunday my boy and fellow red cloud member "Elijah workout Baker" came round to record and to discuss plans for our joint mixtape we will be releaseing.
Sunday was really a productive day as we manages to record 3 tracks in a day. I know to people that don't do music it won't sound a lot, but you'll be surprised by the ammount of work and energy we put in to it. To get 3 tracks done in a day is something big. But anyway enough with that, as I said it was really productive. After recording we discussed about how many tracks we gonna have on the.mixtape and what it should be called. I don't really wonna tell you that much lol but I can tell you this it's gonna be a 10 track mixtape full of madness and everyone will love it. I promise you that. O snap I forgot to tell you lot, on Monday I was filming some showreal footage from my theater play called "360" so all of you will see some more of my acting. Ooooo yeah.
Now this video am showing you is a track that I did after "Fobiah's Just Gettin Darker". Back when I wrote this I was very proud of myself for thinking up something like this lool. I hope u enjoy it and like it. If not then just turn it off. This track is called 'Open"and please feel free to comment and rate it.
Sunday was really a productive day as we manages to record 3 tracks in a day. I know to people that don't do music it won't sound a lot, but you'll be surprised by the ammount of work and energy we put in to it. To get 3 tracks done in a day is something big. But anyway enough with that, as I said it was really productive. After recording we discussed about how many tracks we gonna have on the.mixtape and what it should be called. I don't really wonna tell you that much lol but I can tell you this it's gonna be a 10 track mixtape full of madness and everyone will love it. I promise you that. O snap I forgot to tell you lot, on Monday I was filming some showreal footage from my theater play called "360" so all of you will see some more of my acting. Ooooo yeah.
Now this video am showing you is a track that I did after "Fobiah's Just Gettin Darker". Back when I wrote this I was very proud of myself for thinking up something like this lool. I hope u enjoy it and like it. If not then just turn it off. This track is called 'Open"and please feel free to comment and rate it.
Friday, 12 August 2011
Friday........ just one of my favorite days
First of all i would like to say sorry for not posting anything yesterday like i said i was. Wait... why am i saying sorry for its my blog loool (nah am still sorry lol), but yes i was busy yesterday so thats why i didn't. Anyway today for me was a nice day and i hope it was for anyone that is reading this now. My day started nice and early as my habibti came to see me in my home town (it was a new experience for her). After that i just went about my day but it wos so chilled and relaxed. But anyway enoughof that, I was thinking about which should i share with you first. ooooooo sounds like a secret don't it. Well sadly it ain't lool, nah what I mean is which should i show you first my music????? or my acting??????. Well i picked music first (yep that was a rhetorical question). So i am now going to show you my music from where it started to now where its now come to.
So for each new post i put up i'll show you my music with a little history behind it, coz am just that nice lool.
First up is a track that i made i think in 07 or 08, i loved the instrumental and then i went to work with it. so here we go. If i haven't said it already i'll say it now. Because am a conscious rapper i wanted to get across to people my message and how the youth of today are lost.
So for each new post i put up i'll show you my music with a little history behind it, coz am just that nice lool.
First up is a track that i made i think in 07 or 08, i loved the instrumental and then i went to work with it. so here we go. If i haven't said it already i'll say it now. Because am a conscious rapper i wanted to get across to people my message and how the youth of today are lost.
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Croydon riots, 2011
Ok so, so far in London it has been a war zone between young people and the police. The past couple of days has been mad in London going from one place to another and then ending up with London being out of control. The madness also came to my home town of Croydon. So far I think Croydon has suffered the most damage. The madness has caused alot of problems for other and fo myself. Today I was meant to do some acting and spend the night with my woman watching transformers 3, but due to the riots and the after effect of them we couldn't go. Don't worry habibti in due time we'll go. But anyway during the riots my boy and fellow red cloud member "young made" released his new mixtape called "the Cheese Wave" which is for all the weed heads out there, why? Just coz it is lool but yes his new mixtape is out and I will supply everyone the download link to check out the mixtape. Even though this hasn't really been a juicy post I will do one 2morrrow so for now enjoy young mases's mixtape
Saturday, 6 August 2011
B.P (Bigger Picture) Music
Ok so on the 5th of August 2011 my boy and fellow Red Cloud Unit member Elijah 'Workout' Baker released his E.P. This as been a long time coming as Elijah has been looking to release his music for a long time now. So now the time has come lol. The E.P is a 5 track E.P and is just a little taster of his mixtape and his music that is yet to come. This E.P always features myslef (Fobiah) on it and another bro and fellow Red Could Unit member Young Mase. All i can say is that you will not be disappointed with this E.P. So now am gonna stop the typing and let all of you to get to the listening. You can download this E.P on mediafire and datpiff.com. You can also listen to his E.P on datpiff as well. ok am gonna stop now lool.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
360 Rehearsals
Today after work, I went to my drama group rehearsals called '360'. At first i thought it was going to be long for the fact that I was fasting all day and travelling in London takes a lot out of a person. But when I arrived I didn't feel like it was going to be energy draining, in fact i enjoyed every second of it. My rehearsals are on Wednesdays and Thursday but I mostly attend on Wednesdays as Thursdays seem to be a busy day for me. But anyway back to what I was trying to get at, I attended the Thursdays rehearsals and I met some new people within the drama group. It was a nice site to see, just new faces to work with and to see how you can improve yourself.
As the rehearsals went on we had some new faces arrive for an audition or what I thought were new faces. What I saw was two actors that I had seen before. Kassidy (I think I spelt his name right) and Hugo. Kassidy was in the same play that I was in called 'Chances' and Hugo I met at different parties that involved a lot of actors so you know it was a drama party lol. But anyway it was nice to see them again, really did make my day.
After rehearsals the journey back, I had some long think about the way humans behave and how we operates and how we interact with each other as a whole. I remember my mum (like all of you) saying you must not talk to strangers, but funny enough on the tube going home, I felt like everyone was the same and everyone is linked to each other some how. Not in a scientific way, but in a way where you feel like you have understood something and have been spiritually up lifted because of your understanding. I amaze myself at times when I remember that am only 20 and my life has just started and I have already past and learned things adults are still figuring out. Saying that remember here is where the birth of Kadeem Fobiah Boyce a Raptor (Rapper/actor) started and everyone that read this witnessed this loool. Man i need my own book lol.
As the rehearsals went on we had some new faces arrive for an audition or what I thought were new faces. What I saw was two actors that I had seen before. Kassidy (I think I spelt his name right) and Hugo. Kassidy was in the same play that I was in called 'Chances' and Hugo I met at different parties that involved a lot of actors so you know it was a drama party lol. But anyway it was nice to see them again, really did make my day.
After rehearsals the journey back, I had some long think about the way humans behave and how we operates and how we interact with each other as a whole. I remember my mum (like all of you) saying you must not talk to strangers, but funny enough on the tube going home, I felt like everyone was the same and everyone is linked to each other some how. Not in a scientific way, but in a way where you feel like you have understood something and have been spiritually up lifted because of your understanding. I amaze myself at times when I remember that am only 20 and my life has just started and I have already past and learned things adults are still figuring out. Saying that remember here is where the birth of Kadeem Fobiah Boyce a Raptor (Rapper/actor) started and everyone that read this witnessed this loool. Man i need my own book lol.
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Lyrics to How Would You Feel?
05 December 2010
Am tellin u this coz I’ve got no one to turn to
Hearts full of emotion.
(1st verse)
Spend a day in my shoes and hear my history
then try and walk on without feeling any misery
they look down cause they think my life isn’t a mystery
I put on a brave face but it’s emotionally killing me
Labeled a misfit from care so stereotypically
Ignant to my emotions but love to judge on me physically
How would you like it if our lives decided to switch roles
Growing up to bein told
You lost ur parents at 6 months old
You’re born without a world so you’re essence depends on being cold
Deaf to you’re changed life that will slowly start to unfold
Moved from place to place like there’s no more places to go
And through the places you’ve moved you feel the different environments
Don’t have that whole support or security of a family
And expected to carry on like it never happened so idly
How would you feel if you were living their life
Being a new born and to be newly denied
But others still wonna gives us that awkward eye
And act like were the real reason of why we ain’t right
But still not all of us are really the same
Some of us have a dream and like to hope for a change
Remember that am a human too
But do you have any idea of what we went through
(2nd verse)
Many times in my life I’ve made up false bonds
Switchin different workers as if they were different songs
Some treated me good while others were straight idiots
Floatin around so much you find it hard to get intimate
Like you’re life been placed in theirs hands and your’re just affiliate
You want someone to understand you’re position
To help you try and find what you’re been longing n missing
Like seein your mum happy and just dancing in the kitchen
Or lookin at past pictures just finking and reminiscing
Living this is hard and most of it’s unpredictable
Gaining trust from teachers when you’ve been bullied at skool
And so you suffer this outcome like it’s just one of the rules
Verbally tortured by others cause it’s a powerful tool
Not all of us have it bad with people that are this cruel
Cause some of us have the power not be taken a fool
How would you feel if you were living their life
Being a new born and to be newly denied
But others still wonna gives us that awkward eye
And act like were the real reason of why we ain’t right
But still not all of us are really the same
Some of us have a dream and like to hope for a change
Remember that am a human too
But do you have any idea of what we went through
Written by Kadeem Boyce aka Fobiah
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Fobiah Bajan Malaysian in London: In June of this year I released my second mixtape....
Fobiah Bajan Malaysian in London: In June of this year I released my second mixtape....: "In June of this year I released my second mixtape. It's better than my first mixtape, I think my style and my writing is evolving, my experi..."
In June of this year I released my second mixtape. It's better than my first mixtape, I think my style and my writing is evolving, my experiences in life are constantly changing and now that I have reached 20 years my life has truly begun. I am more confident in myself and in life in general, auditions don't phase anymore I see them as fun, my brother Dammir comes along to the auditions to. We both did the Streetdance 2 only as extras, however I was determined to be noticed, even as a extra. Mum said she saw me when they did a feature on Streetdance 2 on BBC London News. So it worked! Ha! The audition in Rickmansworth was a result of being an extra in Streetdance2, its for a feature film called the The Wedding Video, ok I am a extra but at least I got paid!!!
It is now the month of Ramadan, a time of spirituality and a time of reflection which is also a good time to write more lyrics.I have soo much in my mind that I just want to put down but I can type fast enough.
Here is the link to my second mixtape, listen to it, download it and enjoy it. Also give me feedback so that I can improve futher! Peace!
The Way It Is Vol 2 mixtape
It is now the month of Ramadan, a time of spirituality and a time of reflection which is also a good time to write more lyrics.I have soo much in my mind that I just want to put down but I can type fast enough.
Here is the link to my second mixtape, listen to it, download it and enjoy it. Also give me feedback so that I can improve futher! Peace!
The Way It Is Vol 2 mixtape
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