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Tuesday, 16 August 2011

A new week, A new beginning

Yeah I know its not exactly on a Monday for me to be calling it a new week. Mybad I've been busy on Monday and Tuesday, like am guessing most of you were lol. But nah its still a new week and a new begging and it is definitely a new beginning for me. On Sunday my boy and fellow red cloud member "Elijah workout Baker" came round to record and to discuss plans for our joint mixtape we will be releaseing.

Sunday was really a productive day as we manages to record 3 tracks in a day. I know to people that don't do music it won't sound a lot, but you'll be surprised by the ammount of work and energy we put in to it. To get 3 tracks done in a day is something big. But anyway enough with that, as I said it was really productive. After recording we discussed about how many tracks we gonna have on the.mixtape and what it should be called. I don't really wonna tell you that much lol but I can tell you this it's gonna be a 10 track mixtape full of madness and everyone will love it. I promise you that. O snap I forgot to tell you lot, on Monday I was filming some showreal footage from my theater play called "360" so all of you will see some more of my acting. Ooooo yeah.

Now this video am showing you is a track that I did after "Fobiah's Just Gettin Darker". Back when I wrote this I was very proud of myself for thinking up something like this lool. I hope u enjoy it and like it. If not then just turn it off. This track is called 'Open"and please feel free to comment and rate it.


  1. Yuh Cant Spell Man KMT x Go Bak Tuh SKool Blud x KMT x
    Lol x

  2. and why do you say i cant spell? lool reply if i think am a badman. how old are you?
