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Friday, 12 August 2011

Friday........ just one of my favorite days

First of all i would like to say sorry for not posting anything yesterday like i said i was. Wait... why am i saying sorry for its my blog loool (nah am still sorry lol), but yes i was busy yesterday so thats why i didn't. Anyway today for me was a nice day and i hope it was for anyone that is reading this now. My day started nice and early as my habibti came to see me in my home town (it was a new experience for her). After that i just went about my day but it wos so chilled and relaxed. But anyway enoughof that, I was thinking about which should i share with you first. ooooooo sounds like a secret don't it. Well sadly it ain't lool, nah what I mean is which should i show you first my music????? or my acting??????. Well i picked music first (yep that was a rhetorical question). So i am now going to show you my music from where it started to now where its now come to.

So for each new post i put up i'll show you my music with a little history behind it, coz am just that nice lool.
First up is a track that i made i think in 07 or 08, i loved the instrumental and then i went to work with it. so here we go. If i haven't said it already i'll say it now. Because am a conscious rapper i wanted to get across to people my message and how the youth of today are lost.

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