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Thursday, 4 August 2011

360 Rehearsals

Today after work, I went to my drama group rehearsals called '360'. At first i thought it was going to be long for the fact that I was fasting all day and travelling in London takes a lot out of a person. But when I arrived I didn't feel like it was going to be energy draining, in fact i enjoyed every second of it. My rehearsals are on Wednesdays and Thursday but I mostly attend on Wednesdays as Thursdays seem to be a busy day for me. But anyway back to what I was trying to get at, I attended the Thursdays rehearsals and I met some new people within the drama group. It was a nice site to see, just new faces to work with and to see how you can improve yourself.

As the rehearsals went on we had some new faces arrive for an audition or what I thought were new faces. What I saw was two actors that I had seen before. Kassidy (I think I spelt his name right) and Hugo. Kassidy was in the same play that I was in called 'Chances' and Hugo I met at different parties that involved a lot of actors so you know it was a drama party lol. But anyway it was nice to see them again, really did make my day.

After rehearsals the journey back, I had some long think about the way humans behave and how we operates and how we interact with each other as a whole. I remember my mum (like all of you) saying you must not talk to strangers, but funny enough on the tube going home, I felt like everyone was the same and everyone is linked to each other some how. Not in a scientific way, but in a way where you feel like you have understood something and have been spiritually up lifted because of your understanding. I amaze myself at times when I remember that am only 20 and my life has just started and I have already past and learned things adults are still figuring out. Saying that remember here is where the birth of Kadeem Fobiah Boyce a Raptor (Rapper/actor) started and everyone that read this witnessed this loool. Man i need my own book lol.

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