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Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Croydon riots, 2011

Ok so, so far in London it has been a war zone between young people and the police. The past couple of days has been mad in London going from one place to another and then ending up with London being out of control. The madness also came to my home town of Croydon. So far I think Croydon has suffered the most damage. The madness has caused alot of problems for other and fo myself. Today I was meant to do some acting and spend the night with my woman watching transformers 3, but due to the riots and the after effect of them we couldn't go. Don't worry habibti in due time we'll go. But anyway during the riots my boy and fellow red cloud member "young made" released his new mixtape called "the Cheese Wave" which is for all the weed heads out there, why? Just coz it is lool but yes his new mixtape is out and I will supply everyone the download link to check out the mixtape. Even though this hasn't really been a juicy post I will do one 2morrrow so for now enjoy young mases's mixtape

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