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Friday, 26 August 2011

Some of the last days of fasting

Well its been quite some time since I have posted anything on here, well its only been five days but still that's quite some time. Between that time I have been kinda busy and yes I mean it when I say it lol. This week has been very interesting and busy at the same time which has kept my mind working up a sweat. This week my and my bro have been pretty independent which is nothing for me as am used to being alone and being with people. That's just how I work. I've had to take the role of being the man of the house which I actually enjoyed, cooked, cleaned, took care of things that needed to be taken cared of. Eh I'll be a sick husband lool. Wednesday met up with my team Red Clouds had a little chill session and discussing our music not only that my cuz came down too for the day and so I knew it would be a day to remember. And I was right because on Wednesday my cuz, my friend and my bros friend came round and we just made a night of it. Cracking jokes, watching films and playing ps3 (coz Xbox sucks). Made dinner for everyone and this went on till the night was still young. My cuz stayed over and boy was that a night lol. We didn't go to sleep till 5 in the morning. Well enough of what I've been doing, I wonna know what you lots have been doing and yes I mean you who is reading this right now thinking if am talking to you now lol. Well my next post will most probably tell you more about my acting as something is going down on Sunday, by I'll keep that as a hush hush. And know another one of my music videos. This track is called "Sweet Thing". It was inspired to me by two girls and so that how I made this track. So now I bless you with this track and again i hope you enjoy it and please feel free to comment and rate. Kool kool Snap I also forgot to mention this track is also on my 1st mixtape. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I Like Your Blog :D it's nearly as good as mine Lool Xx
